Day 2481

Diary Of A Busker Day 2481 Thursday January 16th 2024 Winchester.


Once again the top spot is free so once again the local shop owners are subjected to me…and I’m sure they will have been devastated my set is cut short but more of that later.

An American man comes up and commits the unforgivable sin of talking to me while I’m in the middle of a song. Him – ‘How long have you been playing here?’ Me – ‘About 40 minutes.’

‘No, I mean, how long have you been playing in this town? I’ve been here 13 years and I remember you from way back then.’

Me, still attempting to play – ‘I’ve been playing here…well, it’ll be 15 years this October…although that was in Southampton, where I started.’

Him – ‘Yeah?’ ‘Yep.’ Him – ‘You know, you can get these things – small things that you can wire up and get a load of more sounds you can play along with.’

‘Yeah, I think I know what you mean…but I’m fine with just this guitar – solo guitar.’

‘Well, you might like to, uh…get some more interesting sounds. I know they make these little round things at the university – the students make them, and…’ Right, I’ve had enough of this. He’s destroyed my concentration, I’ve made a fucking mistake so I’ve had to stop playing and I’m not having anyone advise me on what they think I should do out here, in the way of equipment and performance. I mean, is it not enough, me playing the bass, melody and chord stuff without me thinking about a fucking backing track?! Fuck me, it’s never enough for some people! ‘The thing is, I can’t carry any more stuff with me, what I’ve got is enough. See that bike over there? I have to carry everything on that and I have to keep it simple.’ ‘Well, you could get some more sounds with…’ ‘Look, I’ve got stuff to play, OK?’ ‘Oh right, yeah…well, good luck’, and he’s off. 


That was annoying but what happens now is fucking infuriating. After 55 minutes, the amp packed in. This is the third Cube Street amp I’ve had and every one of them – all brand new – has broken down after a handful of uses. The batteries are fully charged, I’m sure the guitar lead is fine. Even so, I put the reserve batteries in but it still won’t work. What is it with these fucking Cube Street amps and me? I’m starting to feel like I’m some sort of jinx! I can’t get it working again so the only thing I can do is pack up and go home. I’m going to have to get on the laptop and find some forum when I get back and try and find out what’s going on. Mission aborted.

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