Diary Of A Busker Day 693 Friday February 20th 2015 Winchester (1. Opposite Vodafone, Time: 2:02-3:32pm, 2. Opposite Bellis, Time: 4:05-5:38pm). I’m standing with the bike outside Monsoon, looking about, and suddenly there she is – Delia – practically in front of me. Of course, she insists on giving me a pound, even though I’m not actually playing. She’s only… Read more →
Month: November 2017
Diary Of A Busker Day 692
Diary Of A Busker Day 692 Wednesday February 18th 2015 Winchester (Opposite Bellis, Time: 2:18-4:01pm). At the risk of sounding presumptive so early in the set, I name Here Comes The Sun as Song Of The Day as it earned no less than SEVEN donations…probably not all pound coins, though. There are some birds busy above, chucking stuff down at… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 691
Diary Of A Busker Day 691 Tuesday February 17th 2015 Winchester (Opposite Vodafone, Time: 2:46-4:47pm). I’d only been playing a few minutes when someone I haven’t seen in ages, Kai, walks by with his violin case and one of those tablet things that take photos, and he took one of me. He didn’t stop. I should have asked if he… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 690
Diary Of A Busker Day 690 Saturday February 14th 2015 Winchester (1. Opposite Pavilion, Time: 2:40-4:21pm, 2. Opposite Bellis, Time: 4:40-5:50pm). At The Butter Cross, there’s a guy sitting on a stool playing Cavatina on a Spanish guitar. He sounds OK, and he won’t get any competition from me on that number. But he needs to pull his trousers up,… Read more →