Diary Of A Busker Day 2229 Saturday September 9th 2023 Winchester
A hot day – 30 degrees, the hottest this year apparently, but I can set up in the shade in The Square. Also set up are a load of fat multicoloured chalks for the usage of children and two in particular, a young girl of about 6 (family sitting outside Three Joes) and an older boy (mother on bench) make good use, drawing a stage around me and writing such things as “Guitarist at work” “Draw for the guitarist” “Nice music, good job” and best of all “A musician is like the weaver of a great tapestry” – this was done by the boy. I told him I thought that was very poetic and asked if he thought of that himself to which he remained silent…I bet his mother told him to write it!
I was there just over two hours, with the chalking going on the whole time, and at the end a man, seeing me take a short video of the chalkings, asked if I wanted him to do a video of me so I took him up on it and asked him to capture the drawings while I played Wheels, so I’ve got it all recorded for posterity!
After a short break, I set up at The Buttercross and was about to start playing when a young boy turned up and asked how long I’d be. He said he was a juggler – “I’ve juggled at Covent Garden” and this spot was ideal for him. Well, it’s also ideal for me. I said I’d be an hour. Just then his father turned up, the kid told him I’d be an hour and the dad says “Well, YOU can hang around for I’M not going to.” Oh dear…well it’s a good job I was in a fairly good mood; I said I’d pack up and set up down at the crossroads in front of Starbucks – I’d just been to the bog in Pret, and Meeta and her harp where strangely absent and I’d almost set up there, anyway. So, having done my good deed of the day I packed up and headed down the road…and just before I started up, a tenner is handed to me by a young man. I said “But you haven’t heard me yet!” “I have, I heard you earlier. I play a bit…I really like your style.” I offered my profuse thanks, saying “Well, that’s made my day. In fact, I’d be happy with that if I’d got that after an hour’s playing.” I asked where he was from. “Bristol. I’ve come here because it’s historic – Winchester.” “Well yes, you’ve got the cathedral – that’s pretty historic…in fact, so am I, I’ve been here almost as long as the cathedral – I’m part of the bloody furniture now!”