Diary Of A Busker Day 515 Tuesday March 4th 2014 Winchester (Opposite Oxfam, Time: 1:20-2:32pm) The place is full up – it’s a full house! At The Butter Cross: a young singer/strummer I knew from the open-mic days, shouting about something – The Big Story…down from him – Frank – the golden, motionless statue blowing on a trumpet, barely 30… Read more →
Month: November 2015
Diary Of A Busker Day 514
Diary Of A Busker Day 514 Saturday March 1st 2014 Winchester (Opposite Pavillion, The Square, Time: 12:40-2:10pm, 2:55-4:36pm). The first day of spring – as I was reminded by an old guy outside the craft shop when I was setting up. He was waiting for his wife to come out – ‘Nice sunny spot…to stand…can be hot or cold, eh?… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 513
Diary Of A Busker Day 513 Friday February 28th 2014 Winchester (Opposite Bellis/O2, Time: 12:55-2:28pm). A sunny but cold session: one and a half hours, straight through…long enough! Two songs in, and I notice that guy who plays all the fast stuff with his guitar on his lap – he’s just sat down on the bench across the way with… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 512
Diary Of A Busker Day 512 Sunday February 23rd 2014 Winchester (Opposite Vodafone, Time: 2:18-3:48pm). Three songs in and no donations, then a bloke comes up to ask me all about busking – he’s thinking of trying it. I do my best to dissuade him, and because of the coinage (lack of) situation, he’s sort of got me at a… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 511
Diary Of A Busker Day 511 Saturday February 22nd 2014 Winchester (1. Opposite Pavillion, Time: 12:47-2:37pm, 2. Opposite Vodafone, Time: 3:30-4:40pm). The sun’s out and I’m in it and can you believe it, it’s too warm! After all those freezing days and now it’s too hot!? Maybe it’s because I’m used to it, but I think the hands work better… Read more →
Diary Of A Busker Day 510
Diary Of A Busker Day 510 Thursday February 20th 2014 Winchester (1. Opposite Pavillion, Time: 3:35-4:15pm, 2. Opposite Vodafone, Time: 4:45-5:20pm, 3. Opposite Bellis/O2, Time: 5:27-5:53pm). Day three of the shoulder ache. It got off to an OK start: a donation during the first song – Albatross, from an elderly couple – is ELDERLY polite for OLD? Is OLD impolite?… Read more →