Day 2477

Diary Of A Busker Day 2477 Sunday January 12th 2024 Winchester.


An almost tropical day, with temperatures reaching a sweltering FOUR degrees. I was in town in the morning and Rob was setting up at the top spot so I thought I’d give him a few hours and come back later, in the afternoon, but when I did, Gareth had turned up and was about to start his act. There was hardly anyone in The Square and Meeta was at the crossroads but no flower seller opposite M & S so I set up camp there. I remembered to bring my disposable hand warmers, so I was able to give them a road test. After every other song, I put my hands in my coat pockets for a minute to get them warmed up again. In fact, Rob had some in the morning, although his were plastic things you have to charge up, but that’s something I’m considering, to save me some dosh in the long run. 

I managed an hour and a half, helped by the hand warmers…nothing else to note apart from re-introducing the Theme from Robinson Crusoe back into the set. I thought I should do it again, as it’s a favourite of Graham’s, who donated a tenner recently. He didn’t turn up, which was a good thing because I fucked the song up royally. I could have played a bit longer but the money always dries up a bit when it gets dark so I did Bond then packed up. I’d made just under 20 quid in the hour and a half, which was OK, I suppose. Gareth turned up as I was sorting the stuff out and we had a chat – he did most of the talking. After a few minutes I said I had to be off as my feet were getting cold. He said I should try the hand warmers in my shoes, which isn’t a bad idea.



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