Day 2487

Diary Of A Busker Day 2487 Thursday January 30th 2024 Winchester.


Back out with the newish Aria classical/Spanish/nylon string guitar, now with an even newer strap button on the heel, courtesy of Mr. Hayward…and I redid the fretboard dots so they don’t look like they were done by a spac. The usual suspects are in place; The Two Henrys are at the top spot – they’ll be there all day, and Don Lavelle’s down the road finishing up a commission – he paints the “client” in the view – that’s the deal. I’m wondering if the client is a dog, as he’s got one in a prominent position in the foreground. Anyway, further down at the crossroads there’s a market stall on the corner outside Starbucks, so that spot’s out of bounds. There’s fuck all happening at The Square these days, I mean I don’t even have a look there, so I go back up the road and set up opposite The Body Shop, like in the old days. Posh Sarah comes by as I’m setting up – ‘Oh Marvin, won’t you be cold?’ I say I’m only going to do an hour or so, then back home. 

It’s still early days, getting used to the different guitar shape, mainly the wide body. I have to strain my neck a bit to peer over the top and see the fretboard and it’s not helped by what I’m wearing today, which is, from my body outwards – a T-shirt, shirt, chunky jumper and thick overcoat, all of which is pushing the guitar out from my fat gut! A man stops to chat about guitar lessons and I think I managed to put him off – ‘I haven’t done any for awhile (I lied, I gave one to Jerry the american a few days ago)…and I’m not sure I was very good at it because none of the people got beyond a couple of lessons, so I think I’m probably rubbish at it!’ This bloke didn’t pursue the lessons but he gave me a tenner, so that’s OK. In fact it was more than OK because without that, the coinage wasn’t too plentiful. I got a bit more used to the guitar, though, and the end bit of Layla was voted Song Of The Day, having secured three donations.

It was pretty cold but thankfully not windy at all or I couldn’t have got through the hour and a half – yes, an hour and a half, so I lied to Sarah by a half hour! Anyway, I took £19.15 so a massive “cheers” to the bloke who gave me the tenner. I almost forgot, I debuted my new shoes today; black Doc Marten brogues from the Made In England line. The soles never wear out so I should have them for the “duration”, as it were. Bloody expensive but they’re really nice and I hope I get some nice comments about them!

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