Tag: Bertie

Diary Of A Busker Day ~ 114

Diary Of A Busker Day 114 Tuesday June 14th Winchester High Street (opposite Whittard, Time: 3:37-5:47pm.)          During my now obligatory pre-session reconnaissance of the high street I have a chat with Bertie the flowerman who tells me this Saturday will be his last day here in Winchester. “I’m bored – I’ve been here 23 years. I’m here 10 hours… Read more →

Diary Of A Busker Day ~ 97

Diary Of A Busker Day 97 Sunday May 15th Winchester High Street (opposite WH Smiths, Time: 2:55-5:25pm.)       Busking on a Sunday is a rare occurance for me – God and I rest on a Sunday. But an hour or two won’t do any harm, I reckon. Emerging from the Westgate, I can already see quite a few people about,… Read more →

Diary Of A Busker Day ~ 95

Diary Of A Busker Day 95 Thursday May 12th Winchester High Street (opposite Vodaphone, Time: 1:58-4pm, 4:32-6pm.)           I’ve had a three day break but now it’s time to go back to “work”. As I approach The Buttercross I notice a man wearing sunglasses, a hat and a blue boilersuit sitting down against the monument, a two wheel cart next… Read more →

Diary Of A Busker ~ Day 88

Diary Of A Busker Day 88 Wednesday April 27th Winchester High Street (1. opposite Marks And Spencers, Time: 1:01-1:45pm, 2. opposite Clarks, Time: 2:00-5:05pm.) It’s Market Day and no space for me at the usual place due to the fruit and veg stalls which crowd the area but Bertie persuades me to set up near him, on his side and… Read more →

Diary Of A Busker ~ Day 87

Diary Of A Busker Day 87 Tuesday April 26th Winchester High Street (1. corner of Marks And Spencer, Time: 1:35-3:50pm, 2. opposite Clinton Cards, Time: 4:21-6:08pm.)           Three days of no busking (buskless?) seems like a long time these days and it took awhile to get back in the swing, as it were. The weather was agreeable – not too… Read more →

Diary Of A Busker ~ Day 78

Diary Of A Busker Day 78 Saturday April 9th Winchester High Street (1. corner of Marks And Spencer, Time: 2:21-3:42pm, 2. opposite WH Smiths, Time: 3:50-5:42pm.) I don’t usually play on Saturdays due to all the buskers that turn up, alot of them from out of town. There are sometimes as many as ten, all pretty well in place by… Read more →