Diary Of A Busker Day 2442 Wednesday September 18th 2024 Winchester.
How strange. To see Claire NOT dancing! I’ve just come into town and chatting to Don Lavelle and Claire’s on the bench opposite the Buttercross. Actually, I should clarify that “not dancing” statement. She’s moving her arms but there’s no foot movement, so a bit like the opposite of Oirish dancing. The reason? No doubt because it’s Dean Dyson performing and you don’t dance to Dean, you LISTEN to him. Anyway, it’s too late, Claire’s seen me and waved. Well, it’s not up to me that I’ve got to go somewhere else, is it?
And that somewhere else is down the road at the crossroads because that couple from the other day are just setting up in The Square. Twenty minutes after I kick off, Dean walks by, having finished for the day but I can’t be bothered to pack up and head up to where he was…and why bother as no more than ten minutes later, Claire’s here, plonking her coat and handbag next to me like I’m some sort of cloakroom.
After a bit, someone I haven’t seen for yonks turns up, and what a shame he did. It’s that dickhead Dangerous Dave – maybe I should rename him Dickhead Dave as I don’t think he’s very dangerous these days. Dave doesn’t bother with niceties like “hello” or “how are you?”
‘You played it yet? My favourite?’ he barks, and I know what he’s talking about – The Third Man.
‘Nope, not yet…Claire, this is Dave. Dave, Claire – have you two met?’
‘Yeah, it’s Claire, not Clara, or Clarra?’ says Dave.
‘No, Claire’ I say.
‘Yeah, ‘ello, darlin’ ‘ow you been?’
‘Yeah, alright’ says Claire.
‘Right, I’ll play it now’ I say, and go into his favourite. At the end he says ‘Sorry, got no change, bro’ and fucks off. Enough of him.
Hermione comes by with her walking frame. ‘Hello Hermione, you alright?’
‘Yes, just been to a funeral, one of the main entertainments when you get to my age.’